Journal of Contemporary Applied Mathematics

Electronic ISSN: 3006-3183 Print ISSN: 2222-5498

Latest publications

Vol 14, No 2 (2024)

On the Construction of the Resolvent of a Differential Pencil of the Fourth Order on the Whole Real Line Konul H. Aliyeva Basis Property of the System of Eigenfunctions Corresponding to a Problem with a Spectral Parameter in the Boundary Condition Sevinj S.Hadiyeva A Short and Educational Proof of the Bolzano-Weierstrass Theorem Faruk Aktan, Mehmet Vural On the statistical approximation of q...

Vol 14, No 1 (2024)

Minkowski Inequality via Generalized k -Conformable Fractional Integral OperatorsS.E. Giriş, H. Yildirim Transformation Operators for the Schrödinger Equation with a Linearly Increasing PotentialA.R.Latifova, Jalala A. Osmali Algebraic Points on the Genus 2 Curve C : y2 = 5(1 − x5)EL Hadji SOW, Moussa FALL and Oumar SALL On Some Applications of the New Extended Hypergeometric FunctionM.L...

Vol 13, No 2 (2023)

Petal Numbers of Rational MapsFigen Çilinger The Relation Between the Number of Related-Matrices and the Number of Topologies on a Finite SetMehmet Vural, Ali Harun Daldallı The m−Order Linear Recursive QuaternionsOrhan Dişkaya, Hamza Menken Estimates for the Abstract Boussinesq EquationsHummet K. Musaev, Aytac A. Nabieva Optimal Control Synthesis for the Process described by the Third Order...

Vol 13, No 1 (2023)

Inverse scattering problem for Sturm-Liouville equation with a rational function of spectral parameter in boundary condition Aynur Çöl Algebraic Points of any Given Degree on the Affine Curves y2=x(x+2p)(x+4p)(x2-8p2) Moussa Fall, Mouhamadou Mor Diogou Diallo and Cherif Mamina Coly Applications of Laplace Transform Method to the Fractional Linear Integro Differential Equations Ayse G. Kaplan...

Vol 12, No 2 (2022)

K-Bessel, K-Hilbert Systems and the Relationship between them in Non-separable Banach SpacesS. I. Jafarova On the Existence of a Solution to the Inverse Problem of Finding the Right Sde of Parabolic Equation in a Domain with a Moving A.Sh. Habibiova Application of Interpolation Method to Reduce the Number of Discrete Signal Presentations in Environmental Monitoring Issues Z.C. Zabidov, Kh.M...

Vol 12, No 1 (2022)

On Some Spectral Properties of Differential Operator with Unbounded Operator Coefficient N.M. Aslanova, H.F. Movsumova Obtaınıng the Fundamental Solution of the 5/3 Order Partıal Derıvatıve Equatıon from the Fundamental Solutıon of the Two-Dımensıonal Laplace Equatıon by the Factorızatıon Method Allahshukur Guliyev On a Fredholm Type Integro-Differential Equations of Fifth Order with Degenerate...

Vol 11, No 2 (2021)

Problems for the First-Order Differential equations with Discrete Additive and Discrete Multiplicative Derivatives Vusala Sultanova Asymptotics of the Eigenvalues and Eigenfunctions of a Non-Self-Adjoint Problem with a Spectral Parameter in the Boundary Condition T.F. Kasimov p(x)-Admissible Sublinear Singular Operators in the Local “Complementary” Generalized Variable Exponent Morrey...

Vol 11, No 1 (2021)

Analytic Functions Expressed with Poisson Distribution Series and their Some Properties Nizami Mustafa, Semra Korkmaz On the new families of k−pell numbers and k−pell-lucas numbers and their polynomials Engin Özkan, Merve Tastan, Aysun Aktaş A Family of Theta-Function İdentities İnvolving Ra, Rb and Rm-functions Related to Jacobi’s Triple-Product Identity M. P. Chaudhary, Sangeeta Chaudhary...

Vol 10, No 2 (2020)

On a Jacobsthal-Like Sequence Associated with 𝒌-Jacobsthal-Lucas Sequence Engin Özkan, Bahar Kuloğlu Approximation of B-Continuous and B-Differentiable Functions by GBS Operators of Bernstein-Kantorovich Operators of Two Variables Döne Karahan, Aydin Izgi Analysis of the Stability of Periodic Linear Difference Equation Systems on Extended Floating-Point Numbers A.O. Çibikdiken, G.Ç. Kizilkan, A...

Vol 10, No 1 (2020)

On Extremality of a Class of Algebraic Varieties Leman G. Ismailova On Calculation of Elements of Continued Fractions for Cubic Algebraic Numbers Natige Aslanova Принцип Максимума Понтрягина для Задач Оптимального Управления с Нелокальными Краевыми Условиями Ф.М. Зейналлы Stress Relaxation Behavior of the Annular Sealing Element – A Linear Modeling Approach Kaklik O. Rustamova, Aynur O...

Vol 9, No 2 (2019)

Об Оценках Типа Вимана-Валирона для Решения Задачи Коши Д.Е. Фараджли A comparative study of MHD flow Analysis in a Porous Medium by Using Differential Transformation Method and Variational Iteration Method K.Jabeen, M.Mushtaq, R.M.Akram Корректная Разрешимость Одного Класса Операторно-Дифференциальных Уравнений в Частных Производных Второго Порядка в Гильбертовом Пространстве Р.Ф. Гатамова Об...

Vol 9, No 1 (2019)

On ergodic distribution a cyclical inventory-queuing model with delay Narmina Abdullayeva Maximal regularity of parameter dependent differential-operator equations on the halfline H.K. Musaev Процессы Формирования Поверхностных Структур в Фольгах Слоистых Кристаллов А.Ш.Кахраманов, К.Г.Халилова, З.И.Бадалова, К.Ш.Кахраманов A Generalized Multiplier Transform on a Univalent Integral Operator D.O...

Vol 8, No 2 (2018)

Интегрирование бесконечных цепочек в классе вполне непрерывных операторов Г.М.Масмалиев   On embedding theorems in Sobolev-Morrey type spaces Ç2n i=1 L pi,φ ,b ei ( G) A.T.Orujova, R.F. Babayev   The Cauchy problem for an infinite systems of parabolic convolution differential equations H.K. Musaev   On the Noetherian properties of reduction system of words Nacer Ghadbane   On...

Vol 8, No 1 (2018)

Единственность Восстановления Системы Дирака по Трем Спектрам Н.В. Аббаслы, И.М. Набиев On Determination of Coefficient at Lowest Term in the Cauchy Problem for String Vibrations Equation H.F. Guliyev, V.N. Nasibzadeh Об Оценке Нормы Промежуточных Производных через Норму Операторно-Дифференциального Выражения Третьего Порядка Квазиэллиптического Типа А.Т. Газилова Energy Release Rate at the Front...

Vol 7, No 2 (2017)

Some Symmetric Laguerre-Hahn Linear Functionals of Class Six at Most M. Zaatra The Regularized Trace Formula of the Spectrum of a Sturm-Liouville Problem with Turning Point Zaki F.A. El-Raheem, Shimaa A.M. Hagag О Представлении Специального Решения Возмущенного Ангармонического Уравнения Г.М.Масмалиев Условия излучения Реллиха-Повзнера для уравнения Гельмгольца Н.А. Габибова, Э.Х. Эйвазов...

Vol 7, No 1 (2017)

Theorems on Carlitzís twisted q-Euler polynomials under S5 Ugur Duran, Mehmet Acikgoz Интегральное Уравнение с Запаздывающим Аргументом в Процессах Полумарковского Блуждания Т. И. Насирова, Е. М. Нейманов, У. Керимова Аттракторы и их Типы в Диссипативных Системах А. Ш. Кахраманов, С. Б. Багиров Effective Algorithm for Solving Symmetric Nonlinear Equations Jamilu Sabi’u The Stress Distribution in...

Vol 6, No 2 (2016)

  On pseudo-Q-algebras S.A. Ozbal Necessary and sucient conditions for the boundedness of comutators of B -Riesz potentials in Lebegues spaces G.A. Abasova, L.R. Aliyeva, J.J. Hasanov, E.S. Shirinova Formula for Second Regularized Trace of The Sturm-Liouville Equation with Spectral Parameter Dependent Boundary Condition H.F. Movsumova Прямая задача рассеяния для разностного оператора Дирака на...

Vol 6, No 1 (2016)

Theorems on Carlitzís twisted q-Euler polynomials under S5 Ugur Duran, Mehmet Acikgoz Интегральное Уравнение с Запаздывающим Аргументом в Процессах Полумарковского Блуждания Т. И. Насирова, Е. М. Нейманов, У. Керимова Аттракторы и их Типы в Диссипативных Системах А. Ш. Кахраманов, С. Б. Багиров Effective Algorithm for Solving Symmetric Nonlinear Equations Jamilu Sabi’u The Stress Distribution in...

Vol 5, No 1 (2015)

  Нанообъекты на поверхности твердых тел и параметры их жесткости А. Ш. Кахраманов,К. Ш. Кахраманов Limit at infinity of potential type integrals on abstract spaces Mubariz G. Hajibayov Построение оптимального упорядочения для выполнения потока заданий в заданные сроки в вычислиительной системе Дж. К. Кязымов О смешанных задачах для волнового уравнения содержащих в граничных условиях...

Vol 4, No 2 (2014)

  Social engineering in academic world Mehdi Dadkhah, Aida Quliyeva Оптимальное распределение земельного участка Х. Дж. Эфендиева Оценка А.Зигмунда для одного класса поверхностных cингулярных интегралов Э. Г. Халилов Necessary and sufficient conditions for the boundedness of B -Riesz potential in modified B -Morrey spaces Javanahir J. Hasanov, Xayyam A. Badalov, Ayna E. Fleydanli, One 3D...

Journal of Contemporary Applied Mathematics Electronic ISSN: 3006-3183 Print ISSN: 2222-5498
